Thanadol Wangwijit
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Based in Bangkok, Thailand, Thanadol Wangwijit is really passionate about the areas that interest him. He would go into doing some crazy extra research about the topic - usually it's around the STEM field. He also goes by Kawin.
Growing up, the most important lesson learned by him is management. This includes time, failures, anxiety and people management. Every event that happened has taught him valuable lessons that are and will be extremely beneficial in the future.
Kawin undertakes a British IGCSE and A-Level curriculum at Shrewsbury International School Bangkok. He took 12 IGCSEs and is currently studying 4 A-Levels in Maths, Further Maths, Physics, and Economics. Outside of academics, Kawin runs his own organization that aims to promote a greener world by reducing carbon emission and helping firms to gain carbon credit, which the world is working together to achieve net zero by 2050. He tackled the problem of low survival rate of seagrass, and, therefore, invented a bio-decomposable pot that significantly increased the survival rate. In addition, he has founded a few other initiatives focused on mental health and well-being as well as inclusive education and youth empowerment.
Looking ahead, the opportunity to meet world class people and to get world class hands on experience will surely be beneficial and life long lasting memories. Especially, if he can demonstrate his skills to make the world a better place for us all. Kawin plans to major in Industrial Engineering. After that, he wishes to become a part of a global organization such as Apple, Google, or Tesla, and one day through systems engineering redesign the future of sustainability.