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Luke Penaloza

Founder and CEO,

Raised in a highly competitive school environment, I've always been pressured to excel in everything I do. When high school came around, this pressure to be an elite student was higher than ever and I noticed the typical high schooler at my school SAS, exhibits at least one of these stress indicative traits: dark eye bags or furrowed eyebrows. I deduced that one main source of this stress was the mounting workload.

Consequently, I founded WorkSmart, a software that maximizes productivity through the elimination of online distractions. WorkSmart is already in multiple entrepreneurship competition finals and will be looking to launch a beta in Fall 2022.  

Outside of WorkSmart, I am a student athlete that enjoys writing and editing for Echo News and STEM related activities. In the future, I hope to study business at a top university to further my ability to make a positive impact on the world. 

Luke Penaloza
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