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Daniya Nussipbek

Sustainability Initiative Club

Daniya is a curious learner passionate about helping this planet and dedicated to making innovative progress through her engineering and leadership skills. 

Growing up, she liked the story of Naruto who dreamed about getting the highest ninja rank of his village despite failing at the ninja academy, struggling on his path and having nobody who could support him. Naruto achieved his goals by hard work, self-reliance and positivity showing Daniya the importance of determination and positive mindset. She was inspired by the story of Naruto and whenever she struggles, she reminds herself that she should keep working to get closer to her goal despite her challenges just like Naruto did. 

Daniya is a hard working student who likes challenging herself with a number of different AP classes. Her strongest subjects are physics and math. Besides school, she is very active in the after school activities, filling each of her days in a week with various clubs. Daniya is an active member of the science olympiad, robotics and math teams. She is a leader of the Sustainability Initiative Club at school. She is currently working on the plastic recycling business project with her club, hoping to make an impact in her community by teaching others about plastic recycling and the production process, as well as clean energy through solar panel usage. She also believes that exercise is very important so she is a member of the girls varsity basketball team. Her hobby is playing musical instruments, so she leads the rock band at her school in which she plays electric guitar.

She dreams about helping her country, and would like to increase the quality of life by technologically advancing her country. She needs sets of skills and experience that she does not have yet to realize her dreams. Daniya wants to get her education in a great university and get an engineering profession in which she wants to work until she gains that experience so she could help her country when she comes back. 

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