Cyrine Badji
Youth Astro Society
Cyrine Badji is a very determined person when it comes to achieving her goals. Her main passions lie in astronomy and astrophysics which she hopes to pursue as a future career.
Cyrine’s parents are very adventurous and love nature. As a result, she was always doing some wild adventures with her family such as rafting, canyoning, etc. This has pushed Cyrine to face many of her fears, such as heights, bugs, etc and has taught her to never give up. One of Cyrine’s favorite quotes from Neil DeGrasse Tyson is “One of the great challenges in life is thinking you know enough about a subject to think you are right, but not enough about the subject to know you are wrong.” Something she learned from this quote is to not be overconfident to the point where you overlook the small things.
When Cyrine first expressed her dream to work for NASA as she is very interested in astronomy and astrophysics, people doubted that would be possible. This caused her to become even more determined to succeed. She is a competitive swimmer and aims to become a D1 athlete during her time in university. She is set to take her DELF (Diplôme d'études en langue française) exam in February 2023 as she speaks French, English, and Arabic. In addition to this, she aims to join the student council and debate club in her first year of High School.
Cyrine plans to major in astronomy or astrophysics from Brown University (her dream university). After that, she would like to become a part of a space organization or company such as SpaceX, NASA, ESA, etc, and aspire to elevate global citizenship into the universe.